Originally published as 11 linked adventures in the award-winning Dungeon magazine, the Shackled City Adventure Path is the most ambitious official Dungeons & Dragons campaign ever created. Now, for the first time ever, everything you need to play the campaign has been compiled into a deluxe 416-page full-color hardcover that also includes an 8-panel fully detailed map of the City of Cauldron, a 12-page full-color map and illustration booklet, and a brand new Shackled City adventure written by fan favorite author Christopher Perkins.
The adventure begins, and is primarily set, in the city of Cauldron. Cauldron is a medium-sized city and is located in the World of Greyhawk in the caldera of a dormant volcano set in the Amedio Jungle, east of the Sea of Dust, and southwest from the Azure Sea.
Cauldron is a small city with a mix of mostly human citizens, though halflings, gnomes, dwarves and elves are not uncommon. Other races such a half-elves are less common. Half-orcs used to be rare, but recently there has been an influx of half-orc mercenaries, who are being employed by the city guard to supplement their ranks.
The Lord Mayor Severen Navalant, a human, is the current primary political leader, though he does not act without the consensus of the most powerful nobles in the city. Captain of the Guard, Terseon Skellerang, also a human, is a stern man, but with a reputation for even-handed justice.
Much of the trade in the region involves deals brokered from Cauldron or Sasserine, but ore and crops mostly come from surrounding villages.
Cauldron is also a popular destination for traveling wizards who wish to measure the magical energies of a volcano without exposing themselves to the harsh conditions of much of the Hellfurnaces. These academics are usually welcomed, but the Bluecrater Academy is careful to keep tabs on such dabblers, and has been known to intervene if their "examinations" pose a threat to the city.
The politics of the region are complex at best. The largest political and military threat to Cauldron continues to be the Scarlet Brotherhood, while the logistics of waging any sort of military campaign up the side of a volcanic cauldron have thus far defended the city from even the notion of a siege, the Brotherhood can be a devious and dangerous foe regardless of the availabilit of military options.
A token stream of slaves is exported annually from Sessarine to mollify the Brotherhood's slavers, and part of the "tax" that Cauldron pays to defend the roads between Sessarine and Cauldron is the contribution of two people each year to this trade. It is a heavy burden, but families are well compensated, and treated as heroes of the community for helping to defend the city by sending their children off. In some cases, there are some that say such slaves have even returned from the lands of the Brotherhood, but for most, the journey is one-way. This is something that the churches of Pelor and St. Cuthbert have been trying to end, but so far they have been unable to devise a better way that all agree would work.
The relationship between Cauldron and the Hold of the Sea Princes used to be fairly strong, but since the Brotherhood took control of the Hold, communications have dwindled to the point that goods are the only substantial form of communication today, and most of those come through Sessarine.
Cauldron is the home to four temples. The three most powerful are to Kord, St. Cuthbert and Wee Jas. There is also a smaller temple to Pelor.
Other gods, especially those of the demi-human races are worshiped in Cauldron, but there are no specific temples to them within the city limits.
Over 500 years ago, the area was an outlying part of the Yuan-Ti (snake people) domain and there are tales of great wars against supernatural forces in the area. It was against this backdrop that a rush on newly discovered mineral resources lead to, first the founding of the mining town of Redgorge about 15-20 miles to the south, and then Cauldron itself. Recent rains have made news from Cauldron rather dismal. Flooding is a regular problem that the city only recently managed to get under some measure of control.
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