Sunday, June 15, 2008

Chapter Two

Much has happened since I last recorded the parties actions. Feel free to suggest addition but here are some of the highlights I remember. This will be short and to the point.

Goblins are entering the city and doing all sorts of evil deeds. The Town guard has asked the Knowlern Troupe to look into the problem.

After the Troupe stopped the recent rash of kidnappings and returned the children safely to the Orphanage they again encountered Jade, the assassin of the Last Laugh. This time she approached the group in disguise – that of an old lady. Her disguise was notice and the party by sheer luck managed to capture Jade and take her into custody. Unfortunately for the Troupe, many of the onlookers did not see through the disguise and claim to have just seen the Troupe attack an old lady and drag her away.

Those in the know report that the Troupe did capture Jade, who later escaped custody, and they learned that Goblins were entering the city through a local bathhouse from her. The Troupe entered the bathhouse, causing considerable damage to the premises. Some kind of rat creatures were involved in the encounter and the town guard where called in to keep people out while the Troupe explored a series of caverns they found beneath the shop.

In yet another ancient complex that has been forgotten below the city, this one of Dwarven construction, the Troupe defeated a band of Goblins and their Half-Ogre Vampire leader. But they learned that Half-Orcs have also been entering the city through the Bathhouse. The goblins were allowing some group of “visitors” to send Half-Orcs through their lair and enter the city through the Bathhouse. What the Half-Orcs are going to do in the city is not know – neither is who was behind their coming to the city in the first place.

The Troupe returned to the surface just in time for the start of the Flood Festival.

The adventure party known as the Stormblades tried to pick a fight with the Troupe but failed. The two Bards did have a musical duel that was won by the Bard representing the Stormblades. A fight almost did occur when a Eagle suddenly appeared and pooped on a member of the Stormblades. But calmer heads prevailed and the two groups went their separate ways.

Most of the Troupe made a name for themselves at the Festival skill booths or street performances. And then once again they were called to the Church of St. Cuthbert. A cleric of the church is in trouble and the Troupe are sent to a place called the Lucky Monkey to save him.

Arriving at the Lucky Monkey they find the headless body of the Cleric in the basement…

1 comment:

clasigmund said...

having posted that whole chunk of the adventure in the past. It is a lot to write. I empathize with the amount of writing it takes to keep up.

good luck. The Lucky Monkey was super fun and really, really hard.

Have a great time. My party is taking a bit of a break this summer with some friends visiting, my marriage etc. Perhaps you will catch up to us and we can compare notes. If you would like some "to scale" parts of the city. Let me know. It makes some of the events a lot of fun.